Integration of Computational Thinking in Learning Computer Programming with Gamification Elements to Foster Student Programming Skill and Student Performance


  • Intan Nazira Azmi Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Noor Azean Atan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Lokman Tahir Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Nur Azmina Paslan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Abdulmumini Inda Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



Computational Thinking, Gamification, Computer programming education, programming skills


The integration of computational thinking with gamification elements has emerged as a promising approach to enhancing students' programming skills in computer programming education. However, the current state of learning computer programming with computational thinking remains unclear and confusing, leading to a lack of understanding and a decrease in performance among students. Therefore, this study aims to address this issue by investigating the integration of computational thinking in learning computer programming with gamification elements to foster students' programming skills. This research assesses the effects of these learning activities on students' programming skills and performance. Using a quasiexperimental design, the study focuses on designing computer programming learning activities based on computational thinking strategies with gamification elements. The research methodology includes expert validation, pre-activity and postactivity assessments, as well as pre-tests and post-tests. The expert validation process yielded positive feedback, indicating a good understanding of the learning activities. The pre-activity and post-activity assessments demonstrated a significant improvement in students' programming skills, with post-activity scores being higher than pre-activity scores, as confirmed by paired sample t-test analysis. Furthermore, the pre-test and post-test results showed a significant difference, indicating that the learning activities had a significant impact on students' performance. This research study provides valuable insights into the integration of computational thinking and gamification in learning computer programming. The findings support the effectiveness of this approach in fostering students' programming skills and improving the performance of the learning experience.




How to Cite

Azmi, I. N., Atan, N. A., Tahir, L., Paslan, N. A., & Inda, A. (2024). Integration of Computational Thinking in Learning Computer Programming with Gamification Elements to Foster Student Programming Skill and Student Performance. Innovative Teaching and Learning Journal, 8(1), 54–66.


