Cognitive Load Factors in Online Home-Based Learning


  • Nurul Afiqah Nordin Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Noor Dayana Abd Halim Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



Home-Based Learning, Cognitive, Intrinsic cognitive load, Extraneous cognitive load, Germane cognitive load


At the beginning of 2020, the whole world was hit by the epidemic of COVID-19, which affected the country of Malaysia. To deal with this epidemic, the country of Malaysia had to implement the Movement Control Order (MCO), which caused the closure of various sectors. Among the sectors involved is the education sector. The closure of the education sector raises serious concerns among parents about their children's education. Therefore, in order to continue the education system, the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE) has implemented online, home-based learning for school students. However, there are various complaints and problems that occur throughout the implementation of online, home-based learning. Among the problems that occur is when it involves students' cognitive skills. Hence, this research was undertaken to investigate the cognitive load elements present in online learning. This study uses a qualitative method involving systematic literature review analysis through past studies and an interview session with 30 teachers and 30 students from secondary schools. The findings of this study found that there are three types of cognitive load, among which are intrinsic, extraneous, and germane cognitive. Through the results of the study, the researcher found that during online home-based learning, all three cognitive loads showed a large increase in the load received. Therefore, through the results of this study, teachers can identify the factors that cause these cognitive problems to occur and reduce the cognitive load received by students. When the cognitive load can be reduced indirectly, online home-based learning can be fully used in the education system. Thus, the researcher hopes that more studies will be conducted online to make learning more effective, especially by using the best pedagogy for online classes. This will help Malaysian education keep pace with developed countries that implement fully online learning.




How to Cite

Nordin, N. A., & Abd Halim, N. D. (2024). Cognitive Load Factors in Online Home-Based Learning. Innovative Teaching and Learning Journal, 8(1), 67–87.


